How to keep your cat healthy and happy indoors
Most people like to keep cats indoors. Reasons for this are many, ranging from keeping them safe from outside dangers to spending more time with them. Keeping cats indoors is important during the winters. Indoor activities for cats will help them get acquainted with the family members and the owner as well. However, while keeping cats inside, it’s important to plan some healthy indoor activities for cats. This doesn’t mean that you should not allow some outdoor time for your domesticated feline. Just remember to accompany it outside.
Here are some great indoor activities for cats that can uplift your domesticated feline’s mood and affect its health positively:
Relaxing or sunbathing on a padded perch:
There are several means to get a padded perch, as many pet supply stores, online pet stores, and catalog retailers put them on sale. While installing a padded perch indoors, it’s opportune to set it up near some sunny window. You can also try an enclosure that sits on a window frame for providing private space for your cat to relax and rest. Padded perches are available in a number of sizes, ranging from concise space-saving units to large perches apt for setting up at one side of a house or in a ground-floor apartment patio.
Grazing on a cat grass:
Grazing is an important activity that most cats tend to enjoy a lot. As there is no opportunity for the felines to do so indoors, you need to purchase and add a cat grass indoors to let your adorable pet enjoy grazing while staying indoors.
Playing with the owner:
One of the most enjoyable indoor activities for cats is to play with you. There are several perks of playing with your cat, ranging from health benefits to strengthening the bond between the pet and you. The main thing you will need to do is to purchase toys for your cat to let it chase, pounce upon, and stalk freely. You can also give it woolen balls or plastic balls, as cats love to play with them. You’ll definitely love watching them play and get rejuvenated yourself.
Hangout in a kitty condo/cat tree:
There are several readymade cat trees available in the market. Also known as kitty condos, these playful objects vary in size and shape. Most of these feature a build that benefits from vertical space and provide good climbing opportunities, as well as many play and rest areas, to your beloved feline companion. You can also create an innovative house for the cat or the kitten to rest and play with some indoor activities for the cat as well. This will help your furry friend to be more active and excited.
Tips for keeping your cat healthy and happy indoors
- Shuffle between different indoor activities for cats.
- Interact with it often.
- Show affection by means of tendering its hair or patting its back.
- Ensure that you’re giving it a healthy diet.
- Groom it regularly.
- Make it acquainted with other pets you may have.
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